Spannender Artikel über Depression im Guardian!

Einige wichtige Worte zu Diagnostik im allgemeinen, zur Serotonin-Hypothese im speziellen und dann dezidiert zu alternativen Betrachtungen.

Wir sind nicht unser Gehirn – wie wir leben und wie wir zu unserem Leben stehen, macht einen Unterschied.

In its official statement for World Health Day in 2017, the United Nations reviewed the best evidence and concluded that “the dominant biomedical narrative of depression” is based on “biased and selective use of research outcomes” that “must be abandoned”. We need to move from “focusing on ‘chemical imbalances’”, they said, to focusing more on “power imbalances”.


If you are depressed and anxious, you are not a machine with malfunctioning parts. You are a human being with unmet needs.

Kategorien: Allgemein